Safe and Healthy Work Environments
In Monterrey, Nuevo León, on May 2, 2022, the Safe and Healthy Work Environments Program (ELSSA) was launched, executing the National Agreement for the Health, Safety and Well-being of employees.
ELSSA is a program for the promotion of health and well-being, as well as the prevention of occupational diseases and accidents, which is aimed at employers and employees. It was designed in conjunction with companies and labor organizations, for the welfare of the workforce. The participation of companies in ELSSA is voluntary.
ELSSA is an innovative program based on tripartite coordination and participation (company, employees and the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS)) with the sole purpose of protecting the health of beneficiaries. Therefore, ELSSA is expected to promote healthier lifestyles, reduce health care costs, and increase safety and productivity in companies.
Among the benefits that companies that subscribe to ELSSA can receive, are the following
1. Reduction in the premium for the degree of risk for the prevention of work accidents, which can help companies reduce the premium for the degree of risk.
2. Recognition by the IMSS, through a badge, and obtaining the annual ELSSA award, derived from the degree of compliance with the program.
3. Link with module II of the Health and Safety Self-Management Program of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare.
4. ELSSA Collective Bargaining: The IMSS is working with the trade union organizations present in the Honorable Technical Council, to incorporate ELSSA as part of the Collective Bargaining.
5. Savings in consultations: since consultations will be provided free of charge through occupational health personnel, associated with NOM-035-STPS.
6. Participation in the ELSSA International Congress as a speaker.
It is worth commenting that ELSSA is a program that can support both small/medium-sized companies, since it contains a guide where action plans can be obtained for the prevention of disabling accidents, as well as large companies, to create or strengthen their management models also for the prevention of occupational accidents.
Likewise, with the initiative to amend the table of occupational diseases that increased the ailments to 88, in addition of those that already existed, being registered in ELSSA could be a benefit for companies, in order to prevent these new ailments, through the IMSS in conjunction with the unions. Below is the electronic address where you can visit the ELSSA platform: http://elssa.imss. gob.mx or at http://www.imss.gob.mx/
At Trejo Gutiérrez Abogados, we have a group of experts in labor matters with more than 20 years in the market. Please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be glad to provide the personalized legal advice that you require.